For many years, the technical service has been part of our range of services:

Our employees possess a very good technical knowledge and the necessary qualifications to carry out the work.

Our employees have very good specialist knowledge and the skills to carry it out
qualifications required for the work.

In production processes, residues and deposits occur on machines and systems in the production environment. These impair the smooth production process. With our cleaning service you achieve more efficiency, better quality and safety!

your benefits

Reduction of production losses
receiving the machines
security for employees
neat presentation of your company

gentle handling of surfaces
environmental Protection
attractive working conditions for employees
optimal appearance of your company

gentle cleaning
shiny appearance
extension of lifespan


before the cleaning

We focus on our customers‘ needs! Our specialists do not only know how to clean machines, plants and the production environment, they also have specialist knowledge of production processes.

after the cleaning

Our Team can develop and implement exactly the right method for gentle cleaning, even of complex plants, while focusing at the same time on flexibility, fault-free operation and environmental protection.

If necessary, disinfection can be carried out after cleaning.
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